The yoga we are most familiar with in the West is called "Hatha Yoga" or
the "Yoga of movement". However, there are seven other yogic pathways, all
of which deal primarily with the spiritual, emotional, and mental realms.
Yoga originated in India over 5,000 years ago (a lot longer than any
fitness trend!). The word "yoga" means "union", or simply put, the union
of mind, body and spirit. All of the eight yogic paths have this union as
their goal.
Yoga is not a religion. It has no bible or other doctrine that its
students follow. Instead, it is a practical system for healthy living,
which includes movement, diet and a set of ethical principles.
Yoga is not a competitive sport. Instead, yoga helps us to look at our
bodies and ourselves from the inside out. So, whoever you are, however old
you are, however long it has been since you stretched or moved, yoga is
for you! Every pose has its modifications to benefit every person's
fitness level. Yoga encourages every participant to "listen" to their
bodies and only work at that level.
If you suffer from back or neck pain, reptitive stress injuries (like
carpal tunnel syndrome), arthritis, bursitis, or osteoporosis, you can not
only try yoga, you're bound to benefit from it. Do let your instructor
know of your health concerns prior to class. If you suffer from any severe
or unusual medical conditions (such as heart disease, high blood pressure,
a previous head/neurological injury, a high-risk pregnancy etc), it is
YOUR responsibility to get permission from your personal physicians before
embarking on any new exercise program.