zodiac helps us to connect more with our inner world of emotions. It
sharpens our awareness for our feelings and gives a more objective
perspective onto what is going on in our life and why we might react to it
the way we do. And that awareness will give us the freedom of choice.
The Moon wandering through a new sign about every 2 ½ days cleans the
plate and gives us a fresh emotional angle towards the world. Astrology
for me has never been about believing it or not! If I cannot verify its
teachings through my own experience of being true and valuable for me, it
is not serving me. I am a Taurus and as that I like things which have a
practical value and I can use them for something helpful.
Astrology Gives a Specific Perspective
When I give an astrological reading I always start out with giving the
basic premises astrology works from. I don't expect you to believe
anything. But I suggest just trying it on like a new pair of glasses and
looking at your inner world through the lenses of astrology and seeing if
it serves you. If it doesn't, you just want to move on.
But if it serves you in giving you a new perspective onto yourself, helps
you to be more patient, compassionate and loving in your life it is more
then valuable. It can serve you as a way to contemplate your own nature,
raise your awareness about who you really are in all those different
facets of your personality and connect you with the marvelous workings of
this universe you are a part of.
Moon Enters into Sagittarius Today
It's hard not to like Sagittarians, for their openness, generosity, and
sociable nature. They have a lot of energy, passion and are full of ideas
as a fire sign. The Moon in this sign helps us to find that part in
Sagittarius: The Adventurer Searching for Deeper Meaning in Life
Sagittarius people are deep thinkers in search of universal wisdom,
attracting them to philosophy and religion. Their minds can grasp both the
details and the bigger picture: they can think with intellectual precision
but also intuitively. That unusual combination of thinking skills allows
them to be at the forefront of creative ideas.
They are idealistic and care about the state of the world, leading them to
take up vocations in medicine, education, religion, and politics. They
need to be highly independent in their work and in their personal lives.
They love to travel to widen their horizon and they are fascinated by
other cultures.
Sagittarian energy is fire and shows in the energetic self-expression and
passion they bring to the world. They are ruled by Jupiter who is
considered a very fortunate and joyful energy in astrology.
This Weekend
Whenever we expand, learn something new, get excited and passionate about
something we feel good! Growing as humans into our fuller potential is
one of the basic human needs. If we stop growing we will feel bored,
stagnant and very unhappy with ourselves.
Mercury Enters Cancer
Cancer is the home sign of the Moon and the area of the tides of our
emotions. Cancerians are usually guided by their emotions and a good
intuition. Mercury, the planet symbolizing our mental abilities and
approach to the world is not so comfortable in the sign of cancer. Mercury
likes to be clear and focused and in control. But that will not happen
easily in Cancer.
There will be impulses and emotions coming up from the unconscious mind
and the need to deal with that. Journaling is a proven way to tap into
that enormous spring of creativity and can help us to become clear and
focused with our intentions. If you are not doing this already, this month
is a wonderful time to give it a trial period.
With the Moon in Sagittarius we all can have a little of their gregarious
nature. Think about where do you want to have more passion in your life?
Where do you want to learn more and expand your skills?
Is it in your relationship? Or in your professional life? In your health
and self-care? What lights you up?
Take 15 minutes and sit down with your journal and write down without much
thinking about it, what would help you grow in these areas of your life.
Where do you want to refocus your energy and maybe spend more time? What
would you like to achieve?
Then take an aim to focus your conscious awareness next week onto one of
those insights and see what will happen. How does it feel to align
yourself with it throughout your week? Do you feel good and in the flow
with your intentions?
I suggest using your journal every day and checking in with yourself and
where you are on your journey with it.
If you enjoyed this post, I invite you to come and visit my Astrological
Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog
http://www.jewelryandgemsforselfdiscovery.com/blog/ where I discuss the
universal, astrological forces and inspire you to use them wisely for a
successful and joyful life.
Have a wonderful weekend, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.
Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author